SCCM – Dashboard for Adobe Reader

Here’s some queries to build a detailed dashboard for adobe reader versions,  which will give you a count by version (Grouping by major version) and detailed information  on computers by version;



Also note that each of these reports can be use without the sccm dashboard accelerator

SCCM – Use CM Discovery to Monitor Active Directory User Accounts

Here are some reports that I’ve created to help our technical support team with the management of users accounts in active directory. This allows them to get the following information about users (also note that this has been tested in a single AD (DFL 2003) domain and Sccm 2007 sp2);

So the first report will give you a count of users by  status, Enable, Disable, Password Set to never Expired, Account Expired and Stale Account ( which as exceed their threshold of 90 days). Also, with the ability to get a list of all user accounts with a specific status, ex; all expired Account or All users account with password set to never expired.

And the second report will count users by OU, with the ability to drill down and get the users informations in the selected OU and then get the group membership by Users.

First Report;

Count user accounts in a specific state

All Users in a specific state

Second Report;

User Accouts by OU

All Users in the selected OU

Group Membership for a selected user

So here’s the queries

FirstReport, (contains queries for the two reports)

SecondReports, (contains queries for the three reports)


**** user discovery must be enable with all these attributes ****


SCCM – Find AD Computer Without CM Client Installed

If you’re trying to list all active directory computers without sccm client, here’s a report that can help you to get this information. First you have to configure a linked server in sql (, then create a report with the following query;


SQL Query

select as ‘Computer Name’,
CASE When AD.operatingSystem is null then ‘*’
Else AD.operatingSystem END as ‘Operating System’,
CASE When AD.operatingSystemServicePack is null then ‘*’
Else AD.operatingSystemServicePack END as ‘Service Pack’,
when AD.lastLogontimeStamp is not null then
cast(DATEADD(mi,(cast(AD.lastLogontimeStamp as bigint) / 600000000) – 157258080
+ DATEDIFF(Minute,GetUTCDate(),getdate()),0) as varchar(32))
else ‘*’
end as ‘Lastlogon Timestamp’,
when AD.lastLogontimeStamp is not null then
cast(DATEDIFF(D,DATEADD(mi,(cast(AD.lastLogontimeStamp as bigint) / 600000000) – 157258080
+ DATEDIFF(Minute,GetUTCDate(),GetDate()),0), GETDATE()) as varchar(32))
else ‘*’
end as ‘days’,
case when ad.pwdLastSet is null then ‘*’
when ad.pwdLastSet = ‘0’ then ‘*’
ELSE cast (DATEADD(mi,(cast(ad.pwdLastSet as bigint) / 600000000) – 157258080
+ DATEDIFF(Minute,GetUTCDate(),GetDate()),0) as varchar(32))
end as ‘Password Last Set’,

case when ad.pwdLastSet is null then ‘*’
when ad.pwdLastSet = ‘0’ then ‘*’
ELSE cast(DATEDIFF(D,DATEADD(mi,(cast(ad.pwdLastSet as bigint) / 600000000) – 157258080
+ DATEDIFF(Minute,GetUTCDate(),GetDate()),0), GETDATE()) as varchar(32))
end as ‘days’

openquery (ADSI, — linked server Name
WHERE objectCategory = ”Computer”’) as AD

Where not in (Select name0 from v_GS_Computer_System as CS)

order by


Also, if you want you can modify the where statement and monitor Active Directory stale client;


DATEDIFF(D,DATEADD(mi,(cast(ad.lastlogontimestamp as bigint) / 600000000) – 157258080 + DATEDIFF(Minute,GetUTCDate(),GetDate()),0),GETDATE()) > 30 — threshold

and DATEDIFF(D,DATEADD(mi,(cast(ad.pwdlastset as bigint) / 600000000) – 157258080 + DATEDIFF(Minute,GetUTCDate(),GetDate()),0),GETDATE()) > 30  — threshold


based on Garth Jones post;


SCCM – Add a description to the error code in sccm reports

In some of the reports in sccm the result will display a error code for troubleshooting purpose, but often they dont provide any description about this error code.  So here’s a example on how you can get more detail on these errors. Note that in this example I will use a report on Software update – client health report.

1- You must download the following file, convert it to csv, replace all the comma by two single quote, import the file as a flat file in your sccm database, then assign the appropriate permission on the newly created table.  (reference;

– Download Custom ConfigMgr Error Code;

2- Create a reports call Software Update client Health Reports;


SQL Query (make sure to change ConfigMgr_Error_Descriptions to reflect the newly created table)

Select Distinct


CASE WHEN SYS.Active0 = 1 THEN ‘Yes’ ELSE ‘No’ END as ‘Active’,

DATEDIFF(DAY, LastScanTime, GetDate()) as ‘Last SUP Scan(DAYS)’,

DateDiff(D, OS.LastBootUpTime0, GetDate()) ‘Last Boot (Days)’,

DATEADD(mi,(SYS.lastLogontimeStamp0  / 600000000) – 157258080,0)     AS ‘Lastogon TS’,

CASE WHEN LastErrorCode = 0 THEN ‘Successfull’ ELSE     CAST(LastErrorCode as varchar(32)) END as ‘Error Code’,

CASE WHEN CU.Description LIKE ” THEN ‘Unknown’

WHEN CU.Description is NULL THEN ‘*’

ELSE CAST (CU.Description as Varchar (64)) END as ‘Description’,

CASE WHEN CU.[Symbolic Name] is Null Then ‘*’ ELSE CAST (CU.[Symbolic Name] as varchar(32)) END as ‘Symbolic Name’,

LastScanPackageLocation as ‘Last Scan Location’,

LastScanPackageVersion as ‘Last Scan Pakage’,

LastWUAVersion as WUAVersion,

st.StateName as ‘Status’

from v_updateScanStatus up

join v_r_system sys on sys.resourceid = up.resourceid

left join ConfigMgr_Error_Descriptions CU on up.LastErrorCode=cu.errorcode

left join v_Gs_Operating_System OS on sys.resourceid = os.ResourceID

left join v_StateNames st on st.TopicType = 501

and st.StateID = (case when (isnull(LastScanState, 0)=0

and Left(isnull(sys.Client_Version0, ‘4.0’),1)<‘4’)

then 7 else isnull(LastScanState, 0) end)

left join v_ClientCollectionMembers ccm on sys.ResourceID = ccm.ResourceID

WHERE ccm.collectionID = @CollID


Name = CollID

SQL Query


if (@__filterwildcard = ”)

select CollectionID as CollectionID, Name as CollectionName from v_Collection order by Name


select CollectionID as CollectionID, Name as CollectionName from v_Collection

WHERE CollectionID like @__filterwildcard or Name like @__filterwildcard

order by Name



SCCM – Security updates Compliance Overview report

view for some enhancements

Here’s some reports that I use to monitor the level of compliance for security updates and this by collection. Also it’s possibe to drill down and see which security updates is missing.


thanks to Garth Jones and Anoop for these informations, which has been very helpfull when I have created those reports


1- create a report called  Security Updates Detail.

Report Sql Query


declare @RscID int;

select @RscID=ResourceID from v_R_System where ((Name0 = @MachineName) and (Active0 = 1));


catinfo.CategoryInstanceName as Vendor,

catinfo2.CategoryInstanceName as UpdateClassification,

ui.BulletinID as BulletinID,

ui.ArticleID as ArticleID,

ui.Title as Title,

Targeted=(case when ctm.ResourceID is not null then ‘*’ else ” end),

Installed=(case when css.Status=3 then ‘*’ else ” end),

IsRequired=(case when css.Status=2 then ‘*’ else ” end),

ui.CI_UniqueID as UniqueUpdateID,

ui.InfoURL as InformationURL

from v_UpdateComplianceStatus css

join v_UpdateInfo ui on ui.CI_ID=css.CI_ID

join v_CICategories_All catall on catall.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID

join v_CategoryInfo catinfo on catall.CategoryInstance_UniqueID = catinfo.CategoryInstance_UniqueID and catinfo.CategoryTypeName=’Company’

join v_CICategories_All catall2 on catall2.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID

join v_CategoryInfo catinfo2 on catall2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID = catinfo2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID and catinfo2.CategoryTypeName=’UpdateClassification’

left join v_CITargetedMachines ctm on ctm.CI_ID=css.CI_ID and ctm.ResourceID = @RscID

left join (

select atc.CI_ID, Deadline=min(a.EnforcementDeadline) from v_CIAssignment a

join v_CIAssignmentToCI atc on atc.AssignmentID=a.AssignmentID

group by atc.CI_ID) cdl   on cdl.CI_ID=css.CI_ID

where  css.ResourceID = @RscID and css.Status=2 and catinfo2.CategoryInstanceName like ‘Security Updates’

order by catinfo.CategoryInstanceName, catinfo2.CategoryInstanceName, ui.ArticleID



Name = MachineName

Sql Query


if (@__filterwildcard = ”)

select distinct Name0 from v_R_System WHERE isnull(Obsolete0,0)<>1 order by Name0


select distinct Name0 from v_R_System

WHERE Name0 like @__filterwildcard

and isnull(Obsolete0,0)<>1 order by Name0



2- Create a report called Software Updates Compliance Status by Collection and configure the link to the report created in step 1

Report SQL Query



rs.Netbios_name0 as ‘PC Name’,


when (sum(case when UCS.status=2 then 1 else 0 end))>0 then (cast(sum(case when UCS.status=2 then 1 else 0 end)as varchar(10))+ ‘ Security Updates Missing’)

else ‘Good Client’

end as ‘Updates Status’,

rs.User_Name0 as ‘Last Logged On User’,

asite.SMS_Assigned_Sites0 as ‘SMS Site’,

rs.Client_Version0 as ‘Client Version’,

ws.lasthwscan as ‘Last Hardware Scan’,

uss.LastScanPackageLocation as ‘Last Scan Location’,

uss.LastScanPackageVersion as ‘Last Scan Pakage’,

st.StateName as ‘Status’,

Convert(VarChar(10), OS.LastBootUpTime0, 101) ‘Last Boot Date’,

DateDiff(D, OS.LastBootUpTime0, GetDate()) ‘Last Boot (Days)’

from v_ClientCollectionMembers ccm

join v_R_System rs on rs.ResourceID = ccm.ResourceID

left outer join v_UpdateComplianceStatus  UCS on UCS.ResourceID = ccm.ResourceID

join v_CICategories_All catall2 on catall2.CI_ID=UCS.CI_ID

join v_CategoryInfo catinfo2 on catall2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID = catinfo2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID and catinfo2.CategoryTypeName=’UpdateClassification’

left join v_RA_System_SMSAssignedSites asite on asite.ResourceID = ccm.ResourceID

left join v_gs_workstation_status ws on ws.resourceid=rs.resourceid

left join v_UpdateScanStatus uss on ws.resourceid = uss.ResourceID

left join v_StateNames st on st.TopicType = 501 and st.StateID = (case when (isnull(uss.LastScanState, 0)=0 and Left(isnull(rs.Client_Version0, ‘4.0’),

1)<‘4’) then 7 else isnull(uss.LastScanState, 0) end)

left join v_Gs_Operating_System OS on ws.resourceid = OS.ResourceID



and catinfo2.CategoryInstanceName like ‘Security Updates’

Group By


rs.User_Name0 ,

asite.SMS_Assigned_Sites0 ,




uss.LastScanPackageVersion ,

st.StateName ,




Name = CollID


if (@__filterwildcard = ”)

select CollectionID as CollectionID, Name as CollectionName from v_Collection order by Name


select CollectionID as CollectionID, Name as CollectionName from v_Collection

WHERE CollectionID like @__filterwildcard or Name like @__filterwildcard

order by Name
